2nd call for volunteers to help setup and tear down ComFest. We had a few sign up at last nights meeting. We could use a couple more so if you can spare some time on Sunday Oct 5 it would be appreciated. If you can stay all day that would be great but if only morning or afternoon works for you that is fine. We are usually out of there by 2pm. We also need someone who would like to man the coffee bar. If any spouse is wanting to join the fun by all means more the merrier.

If you weren’t aware Don (VE7DS) will be off to the Marquesas Islands Oct 18-26. You can find out all the details of his DXpedition at http://tx7g.com/ Maybe as a club we can get a few folks to work out of public safety building to see if we can make contact. Anyone interested? Email me.

The advanced course is a little over a month away, if you have been thinking of upgrading your current status all the details are at: https://deltaamateurradio.com/wp/?page_id=402

Have a great week everyone

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