Dave (VE7PKE) spoke last night on a blue tooth project that members might like to partake in. I have included his email below. In the email there is a link to his other project (SDR) which you will find interesting.

ComFest 2013 is rapidly approaching. Tables are still available. $20 to club members. Please spread the word so we can get the tables reserved ASAP and move on getting the event setup and a big success.

Also, approaching very quickly is our special event station for September 7. Lots of members have signed up to participate. If you haven’t please consider getting involved for what time you have available that day. No HF equipment, No problem. We have the Yaesu and KX3 available to club members. It promises to be a lot of fun and you can work as many hours as you have available, the band(s) mode(s) you wish. It just doesn’t get any simpler then that.

I know all your friends are asking how to get involved in amateur radio. Please let them know that our next course will be starting Nov 5. Cost is only $65, but wait we have our early bird special of $50 if you register before the deadline. All the details can be found at: www.deltaamateurradio.com look for courses at the top and select basic. Registration can be done online.

You might remember a couple of years ago we had a couple of visits from Roberto YS1RS. He sends along the following:

Hello guys.

Just a short note to let you know I have uploaded a new series of small videos on YouTube.
Aimed not to the seasoned Ham Radio operators but aimed to those who have interest in Radio and would like become Ham Radio Operators.
Always with a simple language and a small camera.
Not much technology on the making of the videos and without preparation but casual as you will see…
Trying to promote this great hobby.

73 de Rob

Ameco Vintage Novice Ham Radio Station Part 1 by YS1RS


Part 2

Part 3

From Dave (VE7PKE)

> Gord.
> The link to my project website is www.stm32-sdr.com. It gives more details on the project I have been showing off at the club.
> Bluetooth headset adapter project.
> Tonight I spoke to the club about and article in August QST regarding a DIY Bluetooth headset adapter. For more detail you must really read the article.
> For about $75 in parts you can make an adapter that you can use to connect a bluetooth headset to a receiver or a transceiver. Several of the parts have a reduced price if we can get several people together to make a bulk purchase of the parts. I have three people interested to date. If you are interested please confirm your interest by next Friday (August 16) and we can proceed ahead. If you have read the article and have questions drop me an email atve7pke@gmail.com We could do it a club project or not. I am willing to give anyone a hand if they need some help building it. Thanks Dave VE7PKE
> Gord, that about all I have to say about Bluetooth. DID, AHT and I are going to build some. If other want to join that’s fine.

Have a great week everyone.

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