DARS News Notes

Field Day is tomorrow. I would like to take this opportunity for you to join us. Bring along some friends and show them what we do. It all gets started at 11am tomorrow morning and runs for 24 hours. Entrance is off of 72 St & Ontario. Ontario is just before the railway tracks if your coming from #17.
Hope to see you there even if it’s only for a little while.
Many people picked up their name badges last night. If your not going to be able to make a meeting in the near future, contact Tom: Email and make some arrangements.
Don’t forget the under 20 club this Sunday at 7:30pm. A good way to brush up on your cw or start learning. The clubs repeater is monitored in case you have a question.
September 7 is quickly approaching and our special event event will be up and running. We have about 10 members signed up so far, but we would like to get many more. Remember, you can work as many hours as you wish, the bands you wish, and the modes you wish. You can even operate from a park or anywhere else you happen to be that day. Email me: Emailt and get yourself involved.
VA7TU files this report

>> Wanted CW keys and code practice oscillators, scrap radios
>> The Quarter Century Wireless Association Dogwood Chapter 98 is sponsoring an amateur radio history exhibition at the Burnaby Village Museum. We will be teaching and demonstrating cw (morse code), crystal radios, restoring and repairing older ham gear, and operating VE7QCW each Wednesday in July and August. We are looking for donations of cw keys and code practice oscillators that will not be returned as the condition can not be guaranteed after several thousand visitors have tried to pound out the code! We are also looking for older tube or hybrid radios that are ready to be scrapped to be able to show the inside of older gear and restoration techniques. All amateurs are welcome to visit and operate this summer. The theme of the Burnaby Village Museum is RADIO and we want to be sure visitors know the major role amateur radio has played in the development of radio. Other clubs please copy this ad.
>> Contact: Eric at Email or 604-728-2820

Have a good week everyone and hopefully if your not operating at field day you can find some time to drop by and spend some time with us.


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