DARS News Notes

Field Day
At last nights meeting, Darrel started a list of operators for field day. If your planning on attending FD and want to operate, can you please send Darrel an email to darrels@me.com and let him know your coming and which bands and modes you intend to operate and if your bringing equipment. The club will have the Yaesu grab and go kit available for use. Sorry, the KX3 has already been spoken for.

Harris Barn Special Event Station
The special event station is September 7. We have chosen the Harris Barn as our theme for this years special event station. If you haven’t put down your name yet, please email me and let me know. This is going to be a real fun day. As you know all were asking is for you to operate on what bands & modes you desire and work only as many hours as you can. The big plus is you can work from where ever you happen to be that day. It just doesn’t get any simpler then that. We have about 10 members already committed for the project and we aim to get around 90% of the club involved. Chris will be getting a web page started around mid June and one of the reasons were asking for an early sign up is participating call signs will be listed on the web page to give others an idea of who to look for. This is a great opportunity for our out of town members, or members on holidays to get involved. Why not form a small group and go to a park and operate. Keep in mind the Yaesu and KX3 kits will be available for use.

Under 20 Club
Sunday night at 7:30pm on 28.020. A good way to brush up on your cw. The operators will only send at your speed. Monitor the repeater and ask away if you have a question or comment.

Name Tags
We are in the process of ordering name tags for any club member who desires one. These tags will be 1″ x 3″ with a blue background with white lettering. Our DARS logo is on the left side of the tag. The price is $5 with a pin on the back or $7.50 with a magnetic back. Taxes & S/H extra. Your call sign will be on the top line and your name below that. I have taken names over the last two meetings. If you want one and haven’t signed up over the last two meetings please send me an email gdick@telus.net and let me know your call sign, name (whether you want your full name or just first name) and whether a pin or magnetic back. It is the top example we will be going with. I will be placing the order in about a weeks time so don’t delay if you want one.

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