Special Event Station: Harris Barn – September 7

A special event station will be held on September 7. We have chosen the Harris Barn as our theme for this year’s event. The Harris Barn is a heritage building which has been restored and relocated with a grand opening on May 29 (Read the full story here).

Details still need to be finalised. Every contact qualifies for a QSL card, 3 contacts qualifies for a special downloadable certificate. We are still looking for members to sign up. It can’t be any easier on you then this. Operate from wherever you happen to be that day, as many hours as you can spend and on what HF bands and modes you decide. Just email Gord if you want to participate and we will put you on the list. We have around 10 already signed up and our goal is to be around the 100% . This promises to be a real fun event. Please consider getting involved.

If you haven’t put down your name yet, please email Gord. We have about 10 members already committed for the project and we aim to get around 90% of the club involved. This is a great opportunity for our out of town members, or members on holidays to get involved. Why not form a small group and go to a park and operate. Keep in mind the Yaesu and KX3 kits will be available for use.

Harris Barn Special Event Website

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