The new VE7SUN Yaesu repeater was installed today, April 7. The frequency and tone remain the same, 147.340+ T 107.2
The repeater is presently operating in the all mode functionality. This means that if anyone has a new Yaesu mobile or portable you will be able to use the digital functionality or standard FM. The repeater will sort this out and function in both modes.
For those of us to using FM, this means if someone is using the digital function, you will hear a bunch of garbage coming out of your radio.
To fix this, you should put CTCCS on the receive side of your mobile or portable. This will prevent you from hearing the digital noise, although the channel will still be busy.
The repeater also uses TONE to access the repeater so the bottom line is you should have TONE AND SQUELCH programmed into your radio ie: TX and RX.
Theoretically the repeater performance SHOULD be about the same. Let us know if you are having problems. With all of the construction at the ND REC center there could be some areas which might have deteriorated.
Also, the 147.340+ and 444.425+ repeaters are no longer tied together. This may change in the future.
If you want to find out about the nitty gritty of the repeater, google YAESU DR-1X
Thanks to Tom ve7did for heading the project as well as Stewart va7sjt and Doug va7dj for assisting in the move. They had to relocate the repeater although the antenna is still in the same location.