If you haven’t heard 3 brand new handheld radios will be given away at ComFest on Oct 5 . Your Admission ticket gets you an entry in the barrel for one of the radios.

We are down to our last few tables. If you have been thinking you might want a table to sell off your old treasures now is the time to act. You can either send me an email or you can register online. https://deltaamateurradio.com/wp/?page_id=94

This is a first call for helpers for ComFest. We need a setup crew, tear down crew plus be around to help out in various locations. You don’t need to be there all day. If you can do only setup or tear down that is fine. Email me gdick@telus.net and let me know if you can help out. If you can stay all day till were finished which should be by 2 pm that is great.

If you haven’t already marked your calendars, our second and third part series on World War II radios will take place on Oct 30 and Nov 13. Both are North Delta nights.

Attention all basic and basic plus honours folks. We still have room in our advanced class for those wishing to upgrade. Make sure you read the webpage for all the details and what’s expected of you: https://deltaamateurradio.com/wp/?page_id=402

Have a great week everyone

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