DARS News Notes

Mark your calendars for May 29 (North Delta night) as Adam Farson will be our guest speaker on the topic of World War II radios.

Keep an eye on your inboxes as we have the Ladner Days Parade in May and the Works Yard Open House in June. The various organizers will be sending you emails with all details looking for volunteers to help out.

From Clays’s K7CR News Notes

Those of us that work in the Broadcast Industry, and especially at transmitter locations, have a lot of words and terms that are used for something completely different on the ‘outside’. Here are some examples that come to mind:
Drive – Something that goes into an Amplifier – vs. that letter ‘D’ on your cars shift lever.
Bias – A voltage used in RF Amplifiers – vs. something to do with equality.
Hybrid – A device used to split or combine RF energy – vs. a vehicle that uses gas and batteries.
Cavity – A type of filter used with RF energy – vs. something you pay your dentist to repair.
Filter – A device that passes certain frequencies- vs. something you put in your coffee maker.
Dehydrator – A device for creating dry compressed air – vs. something used to dry out food.
Manometer – A device for measuring pressure difference – vs ….(Not sure I want to go there.)
Racks – Device for holding equipment – vs (More slippery slope.)
Transmission Line – A device for moving radio frequency energy to various locations within a
transmitter plant – vs the device that moves coolant from your cars transmission to the radiator.
UPS – Uninterruptable Power Supply – vs. a competitor to FedEx.
Coax – Short for Coaxial Cable – vs. to urge.
Tuning – Adjusting a transmitters performance – vs. something you do to a musical instrument.
Propagation – Radio waves in space – vs. making more creatures.
Level – The amplitude of a signal – vs. something to determine whether something is the same
distance from the earth at both ends.
For those of you that still work with, or remember, Vacuum Tubes –
Plate – Anode of a vacuum tube – vs. something you eat off of.
Grid – Control device in a vacuum tube – vs. something that goes wrong when the lights go out.
Screen – An element within a Tube – vs. something to keep out insects.
And the list goes on – (Got an addition – let me know.)

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