Burger & Brew Ticket are for sale. $15 per person, Thursday April 24 at Sundance Pub. I you have attended in the past you know the fun time it is. Some of the proceeds from this event go to pay the insurances we pay and in turn keep our dues low. Get out and support this event. Come along and bring your friends.
We have a letter available to you to help you soliciate a door prize for the event. I you can get just one prize that would be great. Try an establishment where you are known and you will probably see how easy it is to get one. Any questions about obtaining prizes please email VE7BJC @ rcristofoli@telus.net

From Rebecca: VA7BEC

> Hi
> I wonder if you’d let club membership know that the BCQP log submission deadline is fast-approaching: March 31
> Some clubs had a great on-air presence, with many members calling CQ or dropping by to say hit to stations that were CQing. Many logs that have been received so far include Qs with operators who themselves have not submitted a log. There’s no requirement to submit a log, of course, but it’s possible that these operators intended to submit a log and didn’t get around to it right away and then forgot. Or perhaps the email w/log attachment got lost in cyberspace.
> I replied to everyone who sent in a log as confirmation of receipt. So if you know of any BCQP participants who did not receive a confirmation email, please have them resend their log. The email address is bcqp@orcadxcc.org
> A glance at submitted logs and comments from participants indicate another whale of a good time, especially for BC operators who called CQ. Many submitted logs have at least 100 Qs but some have far, far more than that. It doesn’t really matter, though, if a log has five or 500 Qs, because the objectives of BCQP are to get operations on the air, try out some operating strategies and have fun at the radio.
> Here are some highlights:
> • About 120 BC operators were on the air, either on their own or in teams.
> • 32 out of 36 districts were activated
> • As of mid-March, the log count stands at 120, comprising 35 from BC, 79 from outside BC and six check logs.
> • Active participation continued to expand, substantiated by a wider geographical range in the logs submitted so far.
> • More logs have more Qs.
> • More YLs were on the air.
> • From comments that came with logs, BCQP 2014 was lots of fun and perhaps even a bit more competitive than in previous years as many operators wanted to scoop up a certificate or plaque for the shack wall.
> Stay tuned for more details and official results. A special report will be prepared and uploaded to the Orca DXCC website in May — early-June at the latest. I’ll send around the link when everything is finalized. Thanks again for your support.
> 73,
> Rebecca VA7BEC
> BCQP, Contest Coordinator, Orca DX and Contest Club

From Clay’s Corner Clay Freinwald, K7CR, CPBE

In the category of you learn something new everyday …The April issue of QST has a great article about how radio amateurs were relaying messages back at the beginning of radio communications. Yes, this was prior to radio and TV, we are talking 1916 and 1917. I always knew the Vacuum Tubes were called Valves elsewhere in the world, however I had never heard the term ‘Thermionic Valve’. This brings up the idea of using new, or different, terms, especially when communicating with technophobes – Stop using the term Vacuum Tube or Tube – And start calling the devices Thermionic Valves…and while you are at it …Stop using the word ‘Antenna’ and start using the word ‘Aerial’. And, while I’m at it…Eliminate the word ‘equipment’ from your vocabulary when ‘Apparatus’ has a much nicer ring to it.


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