We have 13 people who will be participating in the DRATS exercises. The first exercise will start this weekend. If you would like to get involved please email me and I’ll get you on the list. These exercises are open ended so you can work on them at your pace from your home when you have free time. You don’t need a DSTAR radio to participate, a computer connected to the internet is all you need to get started. I do have a couple of instruction booklets for anyone who would like to setup DRATS both for internet use and RF use. For those who have signed up you should see the first exercise tomorrow or Sunday. For RF users the frequency is 145.760.

Burger & Brew tickets are now available for Thursday April 24 at the Sundance pub. $15 per person. This event is open to everybody, bring your friends or fellow hams with you. The money raised from this event helps to keep our dues low.

Our basic course starts on April 1. We need a push from everybody to get the word out. Registrations have been slow and hopefully they will pick up as we get closer to the early bird fee cutoff. Please spread the word on how they can get into the exciting hobby of amateur radio.

We have a new uhf repeater on the horizon. We had a guest with us last night. Judson Meraw (KG7CTA) from Point Roberts sat in last night. His email is below and if anybody can help out with their needs please give them a call. Fellow member Kelly Kiniski (KJ1U) is also a member so you could contact him also. The third request as you can probably guess is regarding the proposed radio towers. They are looking maybe for a broadcast technician if possible to testify on their behalf.

Gordon – Delta Amateur Radio Society

Thanks again for your welcoming at tonight’s meeting. What a great group you have.

Point Roberts ACS Net Check-ins are at 7pm Mondays on 146.480. Our monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7pm at the Point Roberts Community Center on Gulf Road. All are welcome.

We have received our Repeater pair of frequencies and a used repeater. We are looking for;
A free standing tower (we have a lead in Tacoma).
UHF Repeater Antenna and associated cables.
An expert witness to testify to Whatcom County about the adverse affects of the proposed AM Radio Towers on our emergency communications abilities before any building permit can be issued.

Also please forward d-rats info to myself.

Yours truly,

Judson Meraw
Point Roberts Auxiliary Communications Services
(360) 945-0533

Have a great week everyone.

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