A big thank you to: Jeanne Wilson, Doris and Don Middleton who made sure we were all very well fed last night. Plenty of food!! Also a thank you to Bill at Fleetwood for his donation of the dual band handheld as one of the door prizes. Honest, it wasn’t rigged that I won. In fact I didn’t even know I won. Close to forty attended last night and a good time was had by all. Good to see some people who we normally don’t see that often. Chris should have more pics from last night on the website very shortly.

For those of you looking for a vhf beam antenna, check out the buy and sell on the website. Appears to be a great price.

For those who have expressed interest in an advanced radio course, good news, we have pretty well crossed all the T’s and dotted all the I’s and the course will start in Nov. 2014. We had originally said spring of 2014, but due to time constraints with the various instructors, venue we just couldn’t find an open window to do it. We will have all the info: price, enrolment etc. on the website hopefully in early January.

Have a great week everyone.



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