Christmas Party

The DARS Annual Christmas Party is fast approaching. If you are planning on attending (next Thursday Dec 12) please let us know right away as the food order will be placed this weekend. Remember you are allowed to bring a guest so let us know if your bringing someone. Saturday is the deadline so let us know ASAP! gdick@telus.net


The BCQP 2014 promotion bandwagon has rolled out. The official announcement is attached.

The most important thing to know is the date and time of the 2014 event: February 1, local time, 8am to 8pm (1600z Feb 1 to 0400z Feb 2).

Other information — rules, multiplier lists, helpful hints, in-depth event analysis/reports and scores from past years, examples of the lovely photo-based certificates and plaques… all available for viewing from links on the BCQP page of the Orca DXCC website. Go to http://www.orcadxcc.org/bcqp.html

My soapbox statement to drum up interest is that whether amateur radio is used for emergency purposes, for ragchewing or for radiosport, it will not survive if we don’t practice our skills and share our knowledge. BCQP is a great opportunity to hone operating skills, try out a new mode, pass on knowledge to others, enjoy the camaraderie of a team effort, support a home-grown contest, capture a unique, photo-based certificate or maybe one of the new plaques, test out equipment and/or software, or simply, meet up with some good people.

In BCQP 2013, more than 140 VE7/VA7s got on the air. More districts in BC were activated. More logs were submitted. More YLs got on the air — in pursuit of the YL plaque? Because there were more BC stations on the air, stations outside BC had a better chance of building BCQP logs. Overall, comments from participants were extremely positive. BCQP has actually become a put-me-on-the-calendar type of event. On that note, after many, many years of waiting until the last minute — really! — WA7BNM now lists BCQP in his 12-month calendar!! Amazing!

As you know, top scores in every class receive a one-of-a-kind certificate showcasing beautiful BC — different design every year — and we send out a cool Orca trinket (for BCQP 2013, a fridge magnet) with certificates. In addition, the sponsors of the inaugural plaque program have pledged their support again for 2014 so we will be able to award plaques in the following categories: Top BC Score, Top YL Score, Top Score Canada Outside BC, Top US Score, and Most Electoral Districts Contacted.
Sponsorship of a plaque is open to any club, organization or individual involved in our hobby and the cost is just $45. Bill is sponsoring Top BC again. If you know of anyone else — club or individual — please have the person contact me. All reasonable ideas for plaque categories will be considered.

The write-up for BCQP 2013 — at http://orcadxcc.org/content/bcqp_2013_report.pdf — also has lots of good background info, including a Q&A on typical problems.


From RAC Bulletins

VX9MRC Special Event Station

The Marconi Radio Club of Newfoundland VX9MRC has been endorsed to conduct transmissions on 472-479 kHz by Industry Canada for 14 and 15 December to bring attention to the potential new Amateur band and to the role played by Amateur Radio in emergency communications.

A special message from our mayor will be sent on CW on 478 kHz as a beacon transmission on these days, said Joe Craig, VO1NA, a low-frequency enthusiast. Those receiving the message are invited to forward it to their respective municipal representative.


Joe Craig, VO1NA

From VE7KWK. This is an oldie but goodie.

pdf icontower-work.pdf

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