DARS News Notes

I would like to thank all the members who attended the meeting last night and had their picture taken for the upcoming radio exhibit by Delta Museum. I have been advised the exhibit will be at the Pioneer Library in Ladner starting around Tuesday August 6 and continuing till early September.

Dave (VE7PKE) showed a project he is working on. I believe he will be giving us a more detailed idea of the project once finished. From last nights sneak peek I would suggest you attend once Dave has it complete and ready to show off.

September 29 is quickly approaching. ComFest will be upon us before we know it. Tables are $20 and you can reserve one now and pay in September. Email me at: Email and I will put you on the list. https://deltaamateurradio.com/wp/?page_id=94

Our HF Special event station is moving right along. This morning I received a couple of pics from the Museum that we will consider using for our QSL card and certificates. This promises to be a fun day and as you know from past news notes you can operate from wherever you happen to be that day, the hours you want, the band you want and the mode you want. It just doesn’t get any simpler then that. It promises to be a fun day so “GET INVOLVED.” Check our web page for all the details: http://deltaamateurradio.com/hb/ We are adding call signs to the page as you sign up. This page lets the incoming hams know who to look for.

November 5, 2013 is the start of our next Basic Amateur Radio Course. The fee is $65 with and early bird special of $50. Pass the word around. All the info can be found at: https://deltaamateurradio.com/wp/?page_id=384

Besides the special event station on September 7 we will be involved in the Firehall open house that day. More details to follow shortly. Mark your calendars for Sunday September 15. That will be the Terry Fox Run in North Delta. More details on this event will follow in mid August.

Have a fun week everyone


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