DARS News Notes – July 12


We have had a couple more operators sign up for the special event station on September 7. If you haven’t already gotten involved how putting your name in the hat and have some fun that day. Remember you can operate from where ever you happen to be that day, for as many hours as you can spare, the mode and band you want. Keep in mind if you don’t have an HF radio that’s not a problem as we have the Yaesu and Elecraft grab and go kits to borrow.


Speaking of September, ComFest 2013 is coming quickly now. Tables are available for $20. Need a table? Put your name down now and pay in early September.


Remember the under 20 club will be running this Sunday at 19:30 (7:30pm) on 28.020. Trying to learn or brush up on your morse code? This is the place to be. The speed you send is the speed our ops will come back to you at.


Speaking of the under 20 club for those of you who have read your RAC Section Notes this time, contrary to RAC, the under 20 club is sponsored by DARS and nobody else. I have sent the following email to Paul Giffin (VA7MPG). Hi Paul: What an amazement when some members started sending me the Section News from your recent RAC TCA edition. Not sure who supplied the information to you but, other then date/time/freq. the rest of it is totally incorrect. The Under 20 Club is sponsored by the Delta Amateur Radio Society NOT Surrey Emergency as you stated. This net has NOTHING to do with emergency preparedness. This net is strictly meant for any amateur (club member or not) who would like to brush up or learn Morse Code. Our club members who dreamed up this net along with myself (who pushed to get it started) are taken back and feel insulted that you didn’t check your facts before printing. In the past couple of weeks a club member and myself have had several discussion with RAC president Geoff Bawden about the creditability of RAC. While Geoff has been trying to convince us that RAC has creditability your error proves our point. Hopefully we will see a correction in the next edition. Gord Dick VE7FKY President: Delta Amateur Radio Society


From VA7IQ…An interesting read, take a few minutes put your feet up and read about WW2 UL teen amateurs http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23162846


from VE7WLF and Jim Forsyth At this time we have about half the operators needed for Celebration of Light. We usually have forty or more amateurs on the beaches and other locations. I can answer many questions about the event if that would help you make a decision, but, If you would like to help one or more evenings, reply to Jim at the address below and cc me. Regards, Doug ~ ve7wlf From: Jim Forsyth Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2013 8:36 AM To: Email Subject: [VECTOR Members] Celebration of Light Hi All, The Celebration of Light’s first night is in 16 days. We are about one half of the number of people that we do need for this event. This is basically the same for all three nights. So if you are available to come out for an evening or all of them, please let me know. If you have not done this event before, please remember everyone has a partner so you are never alone, and we will partner you with someone who has been on the beach before. I know some of you do not have portables yet, again this is not an issue, we will be using our THD-72’s as we do use the APRS portion of the radio for this event, it makes locating you on the beach a lot quicker when we have to send BCAS, St. Johns or anyone else to assist you. We will be having a formal briefing for this event, I expect that it will take place on July 24th, I will confirm this to everyone as soon as I have the room booked. The meeting on July 17th will be cancelled this month. I do know that some of you are involved with other clubs, if you can circulate this request for assistance, I would appreciate it. This event is usually a lot of fun on the beach. Anyone wishing to sign up can send me an email at Email. Cheers, Jim Forsyth

******************** From Last nights meeting and VA7IQ Here are a couple items to follow up from the meeting tonight. First, I made mention of a new site I’d found with new text every day that you can practice receiving. It is athttp://www.morseresource.com/quotes.php and offers rates from 5wpm upward, with the text available to check after the practice session. It is a lot more textual than numeric, but does have some good punctuation. Second, I mentioned the tripod that I had received and used with Princess Auto tent poles (aka mast sections). I am attaching a picture of the unit with single poles on the base, and showing the pole base as well. It all fits into a single golf-case shipping case/bag, which holds about 12-15 sections with enough guy-rings to get to well over 40 feet. This photo shows only the tripod, pole base, one guy-ring, and just enough sections to give an idea of how it fits together. Sadly, the tripod in its unmodified form is not suitable for use with Princess Auto mast-sections / tent-poles as the central bore-hole is 1.5mm too small in diameter. Pricing was Tripod $50, Base $10, Guy-plates $8, and fiberglass poles $2 each. There are lots of ways to erect masts and antennas, and we’ve tried a number of useful approaches. This is only one of the many interesting ways to do this, and there are complete and compatible mast kits starting at $110 plus shipping (http://goverticalusa.com/mast-kits.html). My experience is that this vendor is not attentive to email inquiries, even though the products are quite good. If it makes sense to include this in the weekly mailing, then it might prove interesting to some folks. 73, Don





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