Bike-a-thon Sunday July 14

Hi Everyone:
If you can help fellow club member Ken out please contact him via the phone numbers listed below.
> Hello,
> The annual Rotary Bike-a-thon from Burnaby to Harrison is on Sunday, July 14.
> At the moment our list of operators is:
> 1. Ken VE7BC
> 2. Bill VE7XS
> 3. Robin VE7FFP
> 4. Kjeld VE7GP
> 5. Scott VE7HA
> 6. Fred VE7IO
> 7.
> 8.
> 9.
> 10.
> 11.
> As you can see we are short several people.
> For those of you who have not been involved with this event here is what it is about:
> It is a fundraiser for the Vancouver Rotary Club in support of the Hearing Foundation. This is not a race. There are usually over 100 riders who have collected pledges. They start off from Brentwood Mall at 06:00 and proceed to Harrison Hot Springs. There are several checkpoints (often at McDonald’s restaurants) along the route where the riders are encouraged to stop, rest, have some refreshments and proceed when ready. Our job is to help ensure the safety of the riders. We do this by providing communications at each of the checkpoints, with medical staff and with a repair vehicle. We also keep in touch with Rotary officials and pass along any traffic. We also have someone follow the last rider. The ride is officially over at 14:00. A light lunch is provided for all riders and volunteers at the Harrison Hotel and then a dinner banquet follows at 16:30. We are usually on our way home shortly after 18:00. Dinner banquet tickets are provided to radio operators and their guests.
> A high power mobile radio is required for this event. A vehicle is handy too, but may not be absolutely necessary.
> Please let me know if you can help with this event. Please feel free to forward this email to anyone you think might be interested. If you are able to help please also let me know how many banquet tickets you will require.
> Please note I will be at my cabin at Timothy Lake from Saturday evening until Wednesday. Cell phone and internet coverage is not good there. I can be reached at my cabin at 250-396-7149. I normally am on HF there but my antennas are down at the moment. Hopefully by Thursday I will have enough operators and then will be able to finalize the exact assignments etc.
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Ken Clarke
> 604-816-5775 (cell)
> 250-396-7149 (cabin)

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