DARS News Notes

We had a look at the completed Elecraft KX3 last night. Early reports from VE7PKE and VE7AHT are giving it a 6 star rating out of 5. VE7PKE reports that it only took him a couple of hours to put it together and although still in early testing VE7AHT reports that although there is a bit of a learning curve involved the radio works like a charm. He has made a contact into Europe (I believe) and Brazil. The Brazilian station said is audio was very good. Will report more as the two Dave’s play more.

Darrel reported last night that we have been approached by the Tour De Delta to help them out with communications this year. The event will be in Tsawwassen only. In the near future Darrel will be going to a meeting and we should know more after that. Sunday July 7 will be the dated we are required so please keep that in the back of your minds when planning your July. We will keep you informed.

Dave (AHT) and myself brought everybody up to date on the special event station Sept 7. Every contact qualifies for a QSL card, 3 contacts qualifies for a special downloadable certificate. We are still looking for members to sign up. It can’t be any easier on you then this. Operate from wherever you happen to be that day, as many hours as you can spend and on what HF bands and modes you decide. Just email me and let me know you want to participate and we will put you on the list. We have around 10 already signed up and our goal is to be around the 100% . This promises to be a real fun event. Please consider getting involved.

A fellow ham who I know quite well was in touch with me with a request.

“Would anyone have a 80’+ tower? A local ham is looking for high towers on which to conduct practice climbs in order to build skill for a future tower project.”

If you have a tower that high and are willing to let him practice please email me and I will forward it on. Know a fellow ham who has the tower height let them know.

Ken, VE7BC needs help


The New Westminster Hyack International Parade is on Saturday May 25. Operators assigned to the assembly area and parade officials will start communications at 08:00 and those assigned to points along the parade route will start a little later. The event starts at 10:30 with the Vancouver Police Motorcycle Drill Team and the parade follows. We are usually all done by around 13:00.

I am in need of about 25 operators. Assignments will include such things as assembly area, judging, shuttle buses, police, with various Hyack and parade officials, P.A. announcer, dispersal etc. The parade committee also counts on us for communication at many of the intersections along the parade route and would appreciate any help we can provide with the actual manning of the traffic barricades.

Please let me know whether you will able to help. May 25 is only 3 weeks away. I know how much the Hyack Association appreciates our services.


As always, new hams are very welcome. No experience is necessary, we can certainly buddy up any brand new hams with an experienced operator. All that is required is a 2 metre handheld (and hopefully a spare battery!)

I will of course supply further details as the event draws closer.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Ken Clarke



telephone: 604-816-5775 (cell)

For those of our members in British Columbia, keep in mind this coming Tuesday is election day. A lot of our men and women have given and are giving their lives so you have the right to talk to fellow hams around the world. Regardless of political strip GET OUT AND VOTE!

Have a good week everyone.

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