Thanks to the folks who have already submitted that they will participate
in our Special Event Station on September 7. This is an HF event, and you
can participate on whatever band, mode, time and place you have available.
Can’t be any more simpler then that. Great event for our out of town
members. By signing up early this helps the organizers to start putting
the format together for the day. You will be able to signup all through
summer, but the sooner we know your intentions the better it is for Dave
and his group in putting all the nuts and bolts together. As more details
come available we will share them with you.
The burger and brew event is next Thursday. Jeannie advised last night
that veggie burgers would be available and if you wish one let her know as
the Sundance would like to have an approx. figure for veggie burgers.
jdwilson@dccnet.com If your planning on coming and haven’t either bought a
ticket or let Jeannie know please do so right away so we know how many are
The under 20 club is always looking for people to participate on Sunday
evenings. 28.020 at 19:30 (7:30 pm) The speed is always at what you send,
so don’t think you shouldn’t participate because your too slow. Just get
on and start sending. Our repeater is being monitored during the under 20
club, so feel free to jump on and ask a question.
We wish VE7TJF the best of luck on Monday when she goes for her meeting
with the strata council on erecting an antenna on the roof of her building.
If she wins this could be a precedent setting mark for other condo owners
who may want to put antennas on their buildings.
*VA7TU provides the following:*
The Pilot Knob Amateur Radio Club will operate
KS0LV club call at special event site at the C W Parker Carousel Museum on
Saturday 20th of April. The site will operate during the hours of 11am to
5pm Central Daylight time.
Communication will be with the following:****
40 meters, freq= 7250 mhz****
20 meters, freq= 14250 mhz****
Dstar operation with call sign WB0PDR,****
on one of the repeaters listed here:****
WX0BC Columbia, Missouri,****
VE7RAG your local Dstar repeater,****
Reflector REF026b. your area.****
We can use the reflector in Chicago as a****
backup if necessary. Lets start with VE7RAG.****
We can exchange voice and video via Skype****
user name: WB0PDR or Larry E Everitt.****

*VA7IQ provides the following:*
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