11 new hams have arrived

Hi Everyone:

This was the final day of the basic amateur radio course. VE7CUS was on the scene to administer the exam and when the smoke cleared we have 11 new hams. 16 wrote the exam. Four of the graduates gained their honours. What was really amazing was with the change in the process with IC to get your certification. One student had his call sign granted before he even left the building. Wow, how things have changed in just a year or so. Another student joined DARS at the same time.

We congratulate all the students who took the course and we look forward to hearing them on the air shortly. This Thursday’s meeting is at North Delta and several students will be trying to upgrade their mark. When you enter the building and come up the stairs can you please hold the noise down as they could be writing by the time you arrive.

If you have friends who missed out on this course, stay tuned as we have tentative dates set for mid November. Once finalized we will fill you in on all the details.


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