DARS News Notes


From last nights meeting. Over the last month or so we have been discussing buying a software defined radio. Dave (VE7PKE) has been spearheading this project and reported back last night that the ideal radio for this project would be the Elecraft KX3. This radio has the dual purpose of being used either as a software defined receive radio or used in the traditional ways. It is a qrp rig. VE7PKE also volunteered his time in assembling this radio if we wished to buy it as a kit. Don (VE7DS) who has one of these radios reports he is totally happy with his unit. A vote was taken and it was unanimous that we would purchase this radio. As a side bar to this purchase this also helps spend money we made through the Burger & Brew last year that we only have a year to spend. Once completed this will give our members two HF radios they can borrow and try out. Our thanks go to VE7PKE for putting in the time and effort in getting this project off ground and to the finish line.

Burger & Brew tickets are moving quite steadily now. We have close to 50 prizes to give out that evening. If you need tickets ($15 each) please contact Jeanne jdwilson@dccnet.com These are fun nights and if you haven’t been before then you have been missing out. If you would prefer a veggie or chicken burger please let us know in advance so we can let the Sundance know quantities.

My thanks to all who participated in Run For Life last Sunday. The weather turned nasty on us but we all survived. We even had one of our students from course join us.

Speaking of the course tomorrow (Saturday) is the final day with the exam happening in the afternoon. We wish all our students good luck and hopefully we will have a bunch new hams on the air shortly.

VE7WLF informed us last night he will have a sign up sheet out shortly for the Ladner Days Parade. All the info will on the email he sends out and if your available when the email arrives just let Doug know.

We are also looking into transferring some of the money from our chequing account into some form of interest bearing account. This money will be used to buy a replacement repeater for VE7SUN when the time comes. We are looking into a tax issue before we proceed with this.

Have a great week everyone.

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