DARS News Notes

Antenna night presentation

For those of you who couldn’t make it, you missed a great evening. Several people commented after the meeting thanking us for putting it on. I think everybody learned something from the two presentations Thursday night. A big thank you to Don and Dave for putting on the evening. Thanks to everyone for keeping their computers turned off.

Here is the link to the beacon software Dave was showing: http://www.qsl.net/pa1are/software.html

Still plenty of tickets for the Burger and Brew night on April 25. Contact VA7QLT (Jeanne), VE7OSK (Oz) or myself for tickets. We have had some spectactular prizes donated this past week, so this is one night you don’t want to miss.

April 7 is Run For Life cancer campaign. I have some names already but if you would like to attend and help out, more the merrier. All that is required is about 3 hours of your time (9:00 am to noon) and a handheld with a charged battery. If you don’t have a handheld a mobile will do or, we have handhelds we can lend you. Just email me and I will add your name to the list. If you haven’t done one of these events in the past we can buddy you up with someone.

Highlights of the Survey:

I wasn’t surprised that 100% knew we had a website, but I was taken back that 100% responded that they do use the website for various reasons.
On the question of the how appealing the website is: 2.9% said it was Extremely appealing, 25.7% said it was very appealing while the majority went with Moderately appealing at 57.1%. 14.3% said it was slightly appealing. If you haven’t looked in the last week Chris has changed the layout around a bit to make it more appealing.
On the question of how do you use the website the uses are a real variety which tells us that we are in the right direction of putting content on that you want.
On the question of how easy is it to navigate, very easy received the most votes at 45.7% with moderately easy coming in at 42.9% while 11.4% found it extremely easy.
On the question does the website have the information you are looking for 93.9% said yes while 6.1% said no.
On the question are we missing some information again we got a variety of responses. One person suggested we put the dates of the volunteer community events even if not confirmed on the site so future plans could be made with the family. That suggestion has already been implemented and some of the others we will see if we can implement.
On the question of how many areas you knew were on the website the only one that got a low rating was the distracted drivers legislation. It shows that our members are poking around the website to see what is available.
On the question of the url name change. The question was directed to give a suggestion and a lot did, but in reality most people said leave it alone, it’s fine.
On the question of any other suggestions there was a couple of suggestions but for the most part one persons comment “As good as any on the internet” pretty well summed it up.

Thanks for everyone who took part, especially the two people who had difficulties the first time around but didn’t give up and finally got in to take the survey. Your time in taking the survey only gives us a better idea of how we can serve you the member in the future.

Have a great week everyone.

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