DARS News Notes

*************************************Thursday, March 21, meeting is our antenna night presented by Don (VE7DS) and Dave (VE7AHT). Dave will be doing a brief outline of what the HF bands are about and some of the characteristics to look for. Don will be presenting several ideas on HF antennas dealing with people who live in condos, townhouses, anywhere where real estate is an issue and a tower or your typical dipole isn’t going to work. Also on display will be a Buddipole, Buddstick and maybe a couple of other antennas. We are still debating on which antenna to get for out grab and go HF kit we put together and want some input from especially those who don’t have HF equipment and would like to borrow it on which antenna they prefer to put up and tear down. This promises to be a fun evening so mark your calendars for this coming Thursday meeting at North Delta.

Tickets will be available for purchase this Thursday for the Burger and Brew night, happening at the Sundance Pub on Ladner Trunk Road, Thursday April 25. If you have attended one of these in the past you know how much fun they are. OZ has confirmed that a veggie burger can be substituted, but we will have to supply numbers as we get closer to the date. Tickets can also be purchased from the website using PayPal.

Speaking of the Burger and Brew, Jeanne (VA7QLT) has come up with a novel suggestion. As you know we have asked all members to try and get one door prize for the event. Since some members aren’t comfortable approaching vendors and asking Jeanne has suggested that if you give her $5 or $10 she will go out and buy some door prizes for the event. Besides Jeanne, you can give Tom or myself the money and we will see that Jeanne gets it. Jeanne will have to submit a list of prizes to the lottery branch in about two weeks time so please act know by either donating or getting a prize.

There seems their may be a little confusion about the under 20 cw club held Sunday nights at 7:30 on 28.020. This informal get together is meant for those who want to learn or brush up on their morse code. The so called experts who are on Sunday are there to assist you and not impress you. They also monitor VE7RDE/VE7SUN so if your wanting to join in and feel a little intimidated or there going to fast for you, jump on the repeater and let them know what your wanting to do so they can accommodate. Don’t worry about making mistakes, these guys do it also. For people wanting to learn or brush up on their morse code you probably won’t find a better avenue then this to do it. Please give it a whirl and let the people doing this know what they are doing is a worthwhile service and you value their time. Details of the under 20 club are on the home page on the website.

Don’t forget tomorrow, besides being St Patrick’s day, is also the Burnaby Swap Meet at Sullivan Hall on 152 (near 64th) Check http://ve7bar.org for full details.

VE7BC advises that QSL cards have arrived. He is in the process of sorting and for those on my list I may have some on Thursday.

Thanks to everyone who has filled out the survey on the website. I will leave it running till Wednesday and then share the results with you. If you haven’t had a chance to fill it out yet, it’s only 10 questions and should take you less then 5 or 10 minutes to fill it out. I know a couple have had issue with the site and I thank you for your efforts. The survey is at: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/9B32JLS

Have a great and safe week everyone.

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